World Bank Replies on WCD and Carbon Fund for Europe

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Dear Ms. Schneider,

Thank you for your note of July 28 and the attached letter concerning the WB EIB Carbon Fund for Europe and hydro power projects. I refer you to the frequently asked questions on our website:, and the World Bank’s position on the report of the WCD at:, which should provide the information you are seeking.


Odin Knudsen
Senior Manager
Carbon Finance Business

Dear Ms. Schneider,

I am responding to your email of 09/05/05 on behalf of Odin Knudsen. Here is the specific link to the Q&A on the website that you requested Please take a look at questions 13, 14, and 15 in response to your original query. As Odin mentioned in his email to you of 08/23/05 you can find the World Bank’s position on the report of the WCD at:

We appreciate your interest in the carbon funds managed by the World Bank.

with best wishes …

Anita Gordon
Senior Communications Officer
Carbon Finance Business
The World Bank
(p) 202-473-1799
(fax) 202-522-7432

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