In late August 2004, the World Bank launched its international “technical workshops” with the Asian Development Bank (ADB), Nam Theun Power Corporation (NTPC) and the Government of Laos (GOL) on the proposed Nam Theun 2 dam in Laos. Workshops were held over two weeks in Bangkok, Tokyo, Paris, and Washington, DC. Well in advance of these workshops, civil society organizations noted that this process did not constitute a credible consultation, as key project documents and analyses had not been made available or were not provided to allow sufficient time for review. There was little advance notice for some of the workshops, and the only cursory “interim” economic analysis for the project was posted after two of the workshops had been held. In Bangkok and Tokyo, the moderators were criticized for being biased and for failing to facilitate an equitable debate.
The World Bank’s International Technical Workshops on Nam Theun 2: Civil Society Summary
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