On September 23, 2014, Sudanese security forces detained Mr. Rashid Sheikh Eldin Abash, a peaceful Nubian activist who is fighting the destructive Kajbar and Dal dams on the Nile. Rashid Abash has been held in Kober prison without charges and without access to a lawyer or doctor ever since. According to witnesses, he has been repeatedly tortured. Rashid Abash’s detention is the latest case in a long series of human rights abuses against dam fighters in Sudan.
On November 20, 2014, International Rivers letter sent the attached letter to Sudan’s Minister of Justice, calling for an immediate stop of the torture, and for the release from prison or the filing of charges against Rashid Abash. We call on human rights organizations, embassies and interested individuals to take up Rashid Abash’s case with Sudan’s Minister of Justice as well.
On December 8, 2014, we were informed that Rashid Abash had been released from detention after 70 days. We understand he may be charged with undermining the constitutional order before a security court.