The stories about Rivers for Life 3 keep cranking off of printing presses and flashing across computer screens. One thing is clear: the meeting made a big impact on many peoples’ lives.
Many excellent videos have been posted, due to the prevalence of technology at the meeting. The following is a RIvers for Life 3 YouTube playlist, with the newest videos first.
Click the right or left arrows to go to the next or previous.
See all of the videos on YouTube, you can scroll through the playlist by clicking the right or left arrows.
- Pre-meeting coverage was excellent, BankTrack had a nice writeup.
- Ecolutionist also put in a good word.
- The Guadalaja Reporter wrote a two part series on Rivers for Life 3, the second part has a nice description of the tensions residents face with an international meeting, wanting to fully participate in the international movement but at the same time needing to maintain vigilance in the local struggle.
- Raju Mimi writes from Dibang, India, about the global movement and gives a great overview of the meeting as well as his personal story.
- Ikal Angelei from Friends of Lake Turkana in Kenya provides an excellent personal account of the meeting and her conversations with dam-affected people.
- Kurdish Human Rights Project covers the “Rights and Remedies” workshop and connects dam fighting with other campaigns to fight destructive development.
- The Rios Para La Vida blog has a detailed narrative of many of the specific workshops, as well as excellent video interviews of participants. It is mostly in Spanish, but here is a translation.
- A translation of MAPDER’s blog provides more information on the meeting.
Thanks to Censat Agua Viva and GegenStrömung for republishing the Temaca Declaration.
Of course, don’t forget to look at our Flickr photoset from RFL3 and our video, our blogs ,”Voices From Temacapulin.”
Ian Elwood is the Web Producer for International Rivers, he blogs at:
More information
- If any of these stories resonated with you, please sign the petition to cancel El Zapotillo dam.
- If you enjoyed the videos above, please subscribe to our YouTube channel.