Actions planned in over 10 countries in solidarity
US activists and Mexican nationals will organize a protest at the Mexican consulate in San Francisco on November 10 to demand the cancellation of the Zapotillo Dam. Many of the protestors recently returned from Mexico and witnessed the illegal construction of the project. The protest will take place from 12-1PM at 532 Folsom Street in San Francisco.
Thousands of people are planning to participate in demonstrations on November 10 as part of an International Day of Action to Cancel the Zapotillo Dam. So far, actions are planned in Argentina, Australia, Canada, Chile, Costa Rica, Colombia, India, Kenya, Panama, South Africa and the United States. A major protest is planned in Guadalajara and other actions are currently planned in Mexico City, Monterrey, Puebla and Guerrero.
The Mexican government, in conjunction with the National and Jalisco State Water Commissions, has illegally started construction on the 105-meter El Zapotillo Dam. The dam, which is proposed to supply water to the industrial city of León, Guanajuato, continues without the appropriate environmental impact and land use permits and without the informed consent of the affected communities. The dam would be located on the Rio Verde, in the highlands of Mexico's Jalisco State.
"The whole village of Temacapulin is against the El Zapotillo Dam. We have tried many ways to stop the dam but the government is completely deaf to our voices," said Marco von Borstel, of IMDEC, the Mexican Institute for Community Development. "We need to get water and energy without killing rivers and flooding historic towns like Temacapulin."
"When I was in Mexico last month, I witnessed the devastation the Zapotillo Dam would cause on the centuries-old town of Temacapulin," says Susanne Wong of International Rivers. "We urge a stop to this illegal project. On November 10, people around the world are rising up with the people of Temacapulin to demand the cancellation of the dam."
WHAT: Demonstration against the Zapotillo Dam
WHERE: Mexican Consulate, 532 Folsom Street, San Francisco
WHEN: Wednesday, November 10, 2010 from 12 – 1PM