Peruvian Declaration of National and International Organizations Affected by Hydroelectric Projects

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The civil society organizations of Cajamarca, Cusco, Junin, Madre de Dios and Puno, as well as representatives from Brazil and Paraguay, came together at the "First National Meeting of Communities Threatened and Impacted by Hydroelectric Projects" in Lima, on the 4th and 5th of July, 2011, to exchange information and experiences, both national and international with respect to the social and environmental impacts of the construction of hydroelectric dams.

We declare that:

The construction of dams has led to the displacement of more than 80 million people around the world, violating their fundamental rights, in particular those of indigenous communities. For the majority of those displaced, their lives have gotten worse. They have been moved against their will, uprooted and obliged to move in precarious situations. Additionally after they are built, these dams create a series of diseases, which principally affect children and women.

Dams generate a plenitude of environmental impacts that cannot be mitigated, like the disappearance of endangered species, the alteration of the climate, the production of greenhouse gases, the flooding of thousands of hectares of fertile soil and the impoverishment of the earth, the alteration of water systems. They impact the economic and cultural activities (hunting, fishing, agriculture) of populations living beside the rivers.

The construction of El Limon Dam, part of the "Special Project Olmos-Tinajones" (PEOTT) in Cajamarca is a sad example of these experiences. The people of Huabual have suffered displacement as well as the destruction of their lands. The project has not guaranteed the rights of the people not to be displaced, nor obtained their consent. There has been no process of free prior and informed consent, nor has the community received the necessary guarantees to ensure the right conditions to lead a life, as stipulated in the Constitution and the International Treaty on Human Rights, ratified by the State of Peru.

In June of 2010, the Government of Peru signed the "Agreement between the Government of the Republic of the Peru and the Government of the Federal Republic of Brazil for the supply of electricity to Peru and the exportation of surplus to Brazil." An agreement which proposed the construction of more than 15 hydroelectric power centers in Peruvian territories, and which entails a grave risk to the people that live in the areas linked to the projects, like Inambari, Paquitzapango, Tambo 40, and Tambo 60 among others, many of which are found in indigenous territories and for which the government of Brazil has shown a special interest.

It is important to mention that this Agreement has not been analyzed or discussed sufficiently by public institutions and civil society organizations. There have not been any serious studies presented about the national energy requirements, nor even the possible use of other sources of renewable energy. In an irresponsible manner, the government is prioritizing the sale of our energy to external markets, at a serious social and environmental cost to the country, and without consideration for the needs of the people of Peru.

Taking into account what has been said above:

1. We demand a matrix and a sustainable energy policy, as well as a clear measurement of the national demand for energy, prioritizing the needs of the country and exploring the different possibilities to make the best use of energy.

2. We demand that Congress definitively cancel the "Energy Agreement between Peru and Brazil." We also demand the cancelation of the 15 hydroelectric projects that the Ministry of Energy and Mines have in their portfolio.

3. We demand the cancelation of the hydroelectric projects planned for the Maranon Basin, as well as the degrading of Decreto Supremo 020 – 2011.

4. We demand the recognition and compliance with our rights to land, water, health and food as well as the participation and consent of the whole community to be resettled.

5. In the case of indigenous communities, the collective rights of the community must be respected.

6. In the case of the population of Huabal, we demand reparations, indemnity and compensation those who have been affected.

7. We demand that our President Elect, Mr Ollanta Humala, respect the decisions of the affected communities, without making alliances that favor the interests of transnational businesses.

Signed by:

Angel Rodriguez Mishicuri
Central Asháninka de Rio Tambo

Hernan Vilca Sonco
Frente de Defensa de Inambari

Nanci Carbólico Buendiá
Central Ashaninka de Rio Ene

Manuel Leon
Central Asháninka de Rio Tambo

Ana Alice Plens Santos

Arturo Maximiliano Barrientos
Centro Poblado Vale Esmeralda

Roger Matias
CAD – Central Asháninka de Rio Tambo

Egar Rojas
Centro Poblado Fe y Alegría

Mario Chiricente
Central Ashaninka de Rio Ene

Ali Quispe Tito
Comité de Lucha Carabaya – Puno

Olga Cupita
Frente de defense de Inambari

Crisologo Luna
Comunidad Puerto Punkiri

Edgar Yajahuanca
Comité de Gestión de Vigilancia
Caserio Huabal – San Felipe

Marleni Canales

Alfredo Trujillo
Comunidad Punte Inambari
Madre de Dios

Aurelia Matos Lopez
Secretaria de Economía de Gestión y Vigilancia de Huabal – Cajamarca

Antonio Mercado
Alcalde de Camanti – Cusco

Hilda Montenegro
Teniente Gobernador de Huabal – Cajamarca

Miltion Sánchez Cubas
Plataforma Interinstitucional Celendina

Juan Rupasto
Vicaria del Ambiente – Jaen Cajamarca

Monti Aguirre
International Rivers

Dora Gauto
Paraguay – Respresa Yacerita

Sonia Maranho
Movimento dos Atingidos por Barraghena

Antonio Zambrano
Movimiento ciudadanos frente al cambio climático

Luis F. Novoa
Universidad federal de Rondonia

Ruth Buendía Mestoquiari
Central Asháninka del Rio Ene