From 2006 – 2011, Carl Middleton, coordinated International Rivers’ Mekong Program to protect the Mekong River from destructive dams. Carl has traveled throughout the region to get to know our partners and learn from local people about how important the river is to their lives. These experiences have made him more committed than ever to protecting the mighty Mekong River for current and future generations.
But the threats to the river are mounting. Regional governments plan to build up to eleven dams on the Mekong mainstream. If these dams are built, they will decimate the river’s fisheries and deprive millions of people of a vital food source. Together with our partners, Carl has helped build the Save the Mekong Coalition, a coalition of groups from around the region and internationally working to keep the Mekong flowing freely. His work has helped build a movement, but the work is far from over.
Watch this video to learn about what motivates Carl and click on the links below to learn more about International Rivers’ efforts to save the Mekong.
More information
- Visit International Rivers’ Mekong Mainstream Dams Campaign.
- View a slideshow about the magnificent Khone Falls in Laos, an area threatened by the Don Sahong Dam.
- Learn more about the Don Sahong Dam, the first dam planned for the Lower Mekong Mainstream.
- Visit the Save the Mekong Coalition’s website.
- Download this video (courtesy of the Internet Archive)
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