Letter from FUNAI to the Xikrin People

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Leaders of the Indigenous Land Trincheira Bacajá

Sincere Greetings –

As you know, the Hydroelectric Plant of Belo Monte is already being constructed and the anticipated closing of the Xingu River, according to the construction schedule, is for the beginning of  2013. For this to happen, it is necessary that the transposition mechanism be approved by the IBAMA, after being approved by the FUNAI.

As you also know, the FuUNAI works on the environmental licensing process in order to guarantee that indigenous rights are respected. Our duty is to guarantee that the communities are heard and can express themselves, freely, on the principle questions of the process.

The guarantee that there be a consultation with the communities regarding the mechanisms of transposition is a condition that the FUNAI is attempting to secure before the federal government. However, due to the actual construction schedule and the fact that we did not succeed in holding these consultations last week, the FUNAI is being pressed to make a statement in the coming week.

Therefore, we must still attempt to hear from the indigenous communities as soon as possible and we are inviting the representatives of the village Morotidjam, Cacajá, Pytako, Pot-Kro, Pulkayako, Komok-tiko, Kraen and Kenkudjo to participate in a meeting in Brasilia so that the concerns of the communities can finally be resolved.

Our schedule is as follows:
08/02 – Air departure from Altamira to Brasilia of 40 leaders of the villages cited
08/03 – Meeting with Norte Energia for presentation of the transposition system 
08/04 – Continuation of the meeting with Norte Energia for presentation of the system
08/05 – Return air travel: Brasilia-Altamira

We know that the communities are still very uncertain relative to all the obligations and conditions that must be met, but in view of the commitments made and documents signed at the recent meetings held in the region, we believe that we will be able to monitor and collect all the agreed terms, along with the MPF, with the Management Council to be created and the communities involved.

We await your response.

Maria Marta do Amaral Azevedo
President of the National Indian Foundation – FUNAI
Ministry of Justice

More information

Read the response from the Xikrin people.