Jorethang Loop: Response by SANDRP to the CDM Executive Board's Response

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Dear Joyce Malanaric,

Many thanks for acknowledging the receipt of the message and also making the submission available to the CDM executive board. I will look forward to getting the responses thereof.

The issue of proper consultations with the local people for the CDM projects is crucial, particularly for hydropower projects whose adverse impacts are all felt by the local communities and they get practically no benefits from them. Hydropower projects are applying only the traditional technolgoies and hence to be called a CDM project and to be part of the sustainable development, it is crucial to ensure that local communities are participants and beneficiaries of such projects and not the sufferers of adverse impacts of such projects, which is unfortunately for most of the current CDM hydro projects approved so far.

Thanking you,

Himanshu Thakkar

South Asia Network on Dams, Rivers & People
Delhi, India

More information

SANDRP Letter to CDM Executive Board re. Jorethang Loop Review

Response of the CDM Executive Board to SANDRP