Fighting (Politely) to Keep Dirty Hydro Offsets Out of California

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Xiaoxi Dam, a CDM hydro project in China with significant resettlement violationsIn addition to supporting AB1404, International Rivers is submitting comments to the California Air Resources Board during their stakeholder offsets workshops–all in a very polite and civilized manner. (CARB afterall has some very civilized and admirable people working on AB32.) The most recent one is posted here.

In addition to asking CARB to keep CDM offsets out of California, we're asking that they:

  • opt for a standardized or hybrid assessment of additionality;
  • include additional criteria such as co-benefits and minimizing negative effects;
  • include additional criteria such as public participation and disclosure of information;
  • exclude hydropower projects that include new dams; and
  • be adequately staffed and bear all regulatory responsibilities.

See our comments for more details on each of these "asks." You can also watch or attend their public workshops and submit your own comments here.