Chixoy Dam Legacy Issues Study

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Volume 1: Exectutive Summary: Consequential Damages and Reparations: Recommendations for Remedy.

Volume 2: Document Review and Chronology of Relevant Actions and Events.

Volume 3: Consequential Damage Assessment of Chixoy River Basin Communities.

Volume 4 (chapters 1-3): Social Investigation of the Communities Affected by the Chixoy Dam.

Volume 5: Estudio Histórico, Catastral, Registral Y Geográfico de las Comunidades Afectadas Por La Inundación Provocada Por La Construcción De La Presa Pueblo Viejo-Quixal, Sobre El Río Negro O Chixoy.

*An independent scientific assessment by the Center for Political Ecology commissioned by Asociacion Campesina Río Negro 13 de Marzo Maya Achi (ASCRA), International Rivers, Reform the World Bank-Italy, and Rights Action-Guatemala.

Research and report production has been supported by grants from the Ford Foundation, Global Greengrants Fund, Grassroots International, Global Fund for Human Rights, Moriah Fund, Sigrid Rausing Trust, and the Swedish Society for Nature Conservation.

Peer review of this work has been supported by a grant from the American Association for the Advancement of Science, Science and Human Rights Program, and the intellectual contributions of members of the Society for Applied Anthropology, American Anthropological Association, and the American Association for the Advancement of Science.


Barbara Rose Johnston, Center for Political Ecology

More information

Santa Fe Group on Reparations and Development concerning the Chixoy dam-affected communities in Guatemala.Nov. 2004

The Chixoy Dam: A People’s Struggle for Justice and Reparations in Guatemala, by Stephen Hansen, Report on Science and Human Rights, Fall/Winter 2004 Vol XXIV, No. 2.

“The Chixoy Dam Destroyed Our Lives”, by Monti Aguirre, Human Rights Dialogue: “Environmental Rights”, Spring 2004.

Continuing the struggle for justice and accountability in Guatemala: Making reparations a reality in the Chixoy Dam case, Mission Report -Centre on Housing Rights and Evictions (COHRE), 2004.

The Chixoy Dam: The Maya Achì Genocide. The Story of Forced Resettlement, by Jaroslava Colajacomo and Carlos Chen. Contributing Paper, Thematic Review 1.2: Dams, Indigenous People and vulnerable ethnic minorities. World Commission on Dams, 1999.

Asociación para Desarrollo las Víctimas Violencia las Verapaces Achì (ADIVIMA)

Campagna per la Riforma della Banco Mondiale

Rights Action