Agua Va! The Fight for Free-Flowing Rivers in Mexico

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The most recent issue of La Jornada del Campo covers all things rivers; exploring the struggle for free-flowing rivers throughout Mexico and worldwide.

The publication, is a collective effort by members of MAPDER (The Mexican Movement of People Affected by Dams and in Defense of Rivers) which includes representatives from the communities of Nayarit, Coahuila, Veracruz, Jalisco, Guerrero, Chiapas, Sonara, Sinaloa, Colima, Oaxaca and members of REDLAR (Latin America Network Against Dams) from Colombia, Brazil and Guatemala, along with articles from Spain and Kenya.

The complete issue is a look at local struggles throughout Mexico, focusing on examples from Temacapulin where communities have been fighting to stop El Zapotillo Dam since 2006, and the continued resistance to the Parota Dam on the Papagayo River in the State of Guerrero. The issue also highlights the struggles of communities in Brazil, Colombia, Spain and Kenya. Powerful, diverse and far-reaching voices help to express the many different social and environmental impacts of large dams, including looking at topics such as carbon credits and mining. The aim of this publication, is to give a complete picture of the struggles in defense of rivers and lands throughout the world. You can dowload the full edition in Spanish or read online.