Educating the public about the value of healthy rivers and the impacts of large dams has always been at the core of International Rivers’ mission. In fact, we existed as a newsletter before we became an organization.
WRR covered a lot of ground in 30 years. For a time we even had Chinese and Hindi translations.
Over the past 30 years, World Rivers Review has informed interested citizens, activists, researchers, government officials and dam builders about news and important developments from the world of rivers. With expertise and commitment, World Rivers Review has presented views and insights from dam-affected communities, frontline activists and river scientists alike. International Rivers is grateful to Angela Gennino, Juliette Majot and Lori Pottinger, who edited and published our magazine with diligence and journalistic passion for almost three decades. The current issue is a testimony to their skills and their legacy.
This is the last print issue of World Rivers Review. On April 22, Lori Pottinger moved on to a new position with the Public Policy Institute of California after 20 years of dedicated service. During the past three decades, our ways of communicating with members and the public at large have evolved, and the ways through which our audiences inform themselves have changed as well. You can still find us in print, on the internet, and in the social media. You can find an archive of World Rivers Review going back to 1994 on our website. We are currently evaluating our communication tools and will design new ways to keep you informed and engaged. For now, you can sign up to our electronic newsletter, NewsStream.