The Xingu River Alive Forever Movement (Movimento Xingu Vivo para Sempre), which represents communities affected by the Belo Monte Dam, with support from International Rivers and Amazon Watch, has compiled the most comprehensive history of the destructive dam from its inception to today, in a new, interactive web timeline. Nowhere is Brazil’s massive spending for large infrastructure projects and their huge social and environmental impacts more evident than in the large dams it builds in the Amazon. This timely compilation of key events in the life of the Belo Monte Dam aims to increase public awareness and elucidate the complex history of the world’s most controversial hydropower project.
The interactive timeline “A Lifetime of Injustice – The History of the Belo Monte Dam” describes in vivid detail close to one hundred critical events in the more than three-decade history of the project. The feature records events that have shaped the reality of this massive dam and those who have been affected by it, including legal disputes, corruption, political maneuvers to approve the project, indigenous protests, worker strikes, prostitution, human trafficking, and events that have changed the technical makeup of the dam. The timeline is available in both English and Portuguese.
Click here to see the full version of the timeline. Read more about the Belo Monte Dam here.
More information
- Learn about Belo Monte using Google Earth
- Read our latest fact sheet on the Belo Monte Dam.
- Read the book Tenotã-Mõ, a complete history of the Belo Monte Dam, published in 2005.
- Download our investor risk report on the Belo Monte Dam.
- See all Amazon Campaign Blog Posts
- Heart of Brazil Expedition, photo gallery and blog on the Xingu by Sue and Patrick Cunningham