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A Review of the Epupa Draft Feasibility Study
The author reviewed all sections relating to the project’s economic viability, except for the detailed appendix chapters, which were not...
Comments on the Epupa Hydropower Project Feasibility Study
Summary Contrary to assertions in the Feasibility Study, the Epupa hydropower scheme is not the "least cost" power alternative for...
Commentary on the Proposed Lower Cunene Hydropower Scheme
Commentary on the Environmental Assessment Report of the Feasibility Study on the Proposed Lower Cunene Hydropower Scheme My comments are...
Background on Epupa Falls
Updated 2005 Download this fact sheet (PDF, 190 KB) Namibia’s Kunene River valley is the ancestral home of 12,000 Himba...
ADB's Dam-Building Record "Seriously Deficient"
A report released today by International Rivers documents the Asian Development Bank’s dam-building activities in the Mekong watershed. The report,...
The following is a brief review of some sections of the draft feasibility study (FS), focusing primarily on the Epupa...
Environmental Impacts of Large Dams: African examples
Land and water are ecologically linked in a natural system called a watershed. From the smallest droplet to the mightiest...
Letter to World Bank Citing Concerns about Nam Theun 2
Ms Rebecca B. HallCountry OfficerCountry Department 1East Asia and Pacific RegionWorld Bank1818 H. Street, NWWashington, DC 20433 Fax 202 477...
Manibeli Declaration
Calling for a Moratorium on World Bank Funding of Large Dams WHEREAS: The World Bank is the greatest single source...
River Dolphins: Can They Be Saved?
River dolphins are small, aquatic mammals which belong to the order Cetacea. Scientists today classify river dolphins as endangered species...