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Chalillo Dam: Don't Drink that Water!
See that horrible, dirty water flowing out the Chalillo Dam on the Macal River in Belize? Environmentalists in Belize took...
The Inspiration of Xalala - Part 2
Read Part 1 of the blog. Our next stop was Las Margaritas Copón: a village of some 45 families that's...
Dead Catfish May Be the Least of Lula's Worries
In 2007, Brazilian President Luiz Inácio "Lula" da Silva famously announced that "environmentalists are trying to dump some catfish on...
International Rivers Letter to ADB re Nam Song and Nam Leuk Mitigation Plan
In January 2007, after years of pressure from International Rivers, the Lao government and Asian Development Bank agreed to implement...
Letter to private banks on Theun-Hinboun Expansion Project
International Rivers and the BankTrack network sent this letter to private banks who were listed as considering financing Laos’ Theun-Hinboun...
Wild Patagonia: Expedition to the Baker and Pascua Rivers
by Aviva Imhof, Campaigns Director In January 2008, I was privileged to take part in one of the first ever...
International Day of A(u)ction Against Dams on the Madeira River!
On Monday, December 10th, the Brazilian government will offer the contract to build a $6 billion dam on the Amazon´s...
Excerpts from ADB's Audit Report on the Nam Leuk Hydropower Project
The ADB’s Operations Evaluation Department (OED) commissioned the Nam Leuk Project Performance Audit Report (PPAR) to assess the Nam Leuk...
Dam the Consequences
Building yet another dam could threaten an ages-old engineering marvel in Sichuan and a key part of China's heritage. But...