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A Month in the Cradle of Humanity
Narissa AllibhaiSustainable development researcher This is a guest blog by Narissa Allibhai, an African sustainable development researcher who undertook field...
Community Voices from Lake Turkana
“We don’t accept this. We disagree with whoever is planning this. We will never agree to it. Once the dam is...
A Changing Omo River Valley
“People of our village and other villages, we don’t want to lose this river, to lose our land, our forests....
Recipe for Lake Turkana's Survival: Just Add Water
Lake Turkana (Photo copyright Jane Baldwin) In my line of work, you never want to say “I told you so.”...
Lake Turkana Considered for "World Heritage In Danger" List
Lake Turkana – the world’s largest desert lake, which supports 300,000 people and untold biological riches, and is a World...
የልማት ጎርፍ በኦሞ ወንዝ ላይ
photo by Alison Jones for No Water No Life በኢትዮጵያ በታችኛው የኦሞ ሸለቆ እየተገነቡ ያሉት ተያያዥ የልማት ፕሮጀክቶች በወንዙ የውኃ...
Ethiopia Pushes River Basin Toward Hydrological Disaster
Industrialization of Omo River Threatens 500,000 pastoralists in Ethiopia, Kenya Photo: Alison M. Jones (No Water No Life) In a...
Can Lake Turkana Be Saved?
Lake Turkana Sean Avery is a man on a mission. The Kenya-based hydrologist and civil engineer is the leading authority...
The River Provides for Us: One Woman's Story
From March 2011 World Rivers Review More than 500,000 indigenous people in two countries are threatened by the construction of...
China’s Biggest Bank to Support Africa’s Most Destructive Dam
From June 2010 World Rivers Review Ethiopia’s Gibe 3 Dam is one of the most destructive hydropower projects being built...