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PRESS RELEASE | South Africa and DRC plan to press ahead with Inga 3 in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: The Democratic Republic of Congo has just concluded a week-long conference on the beleaguered Grand Inga Dam...
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Covid-19 Impacts in the Democratic Republic of Congo | Crisis to Opportunities Series

The global Covid-19 crisis has shed a light on the deep-seated inequities in the way our rivers and the people...
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Statement: It’s Time for the African Development Bank to Pull the Plug on the Inga 3 Dam

On the occasion of the visit of African Development Bank (AfDB) President Akinwumi Adesina to the Democratic Republic of Congo...
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International Rivers to host first Women and Rivers Congress in March 2019

A woman waters her riverbank garden on the Mekong River.Pai Deetes, International Rivers International Rivers is honored to announce the...
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Press Statement | Inga 3: An Exclusive Development Deal for Chinese and European companies

The Congo RiverInternational Rivers On October 16, the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) government announced a 14 billion USD joint...
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Activist training school in DRC strengthens the movement for rivers

International Rivers’ advocacy training in DRC aimed at strengthening the movement of civil society partners and community groups to effectively...
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Press Release | UNESCO World Heritage Committee inscribes Kenya’s Lake Turkana as “in danger” over Gibe Dam impacts

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE 28 June 2018 Today, the UNESCO World Heritage Committee took the decision to officially inscribe Lake Turkana...
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Letter to the World Heritage Centre

Ms. Mechtild RösslerDirector World Heritage Division and World Heritage CentreUNESCO World Heritage Centre7, Place de Fontenoy75352 ParisFrance June 9, 2018...
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South Africa: National Water Act

South Africa’s National Water Act, passed just four years after the country’s first democratic election, was hailed as one of...